Gospel trailblazer, Ore Oluwa continues in her giant strides with the message of Christ as she releases a new single titled “I Lift My Hands”, produced by Nick Best and Mr Kenny.
This is a worship song declaring the greatness of God. It is an expression of love to God.
The powerful gospel vocal diva is a humanitarian who uses her life and platform as a tool to win souls and inspire others to pursue excellence and elevate the positive conversation about Christ, family and faith.
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@officialoreoluwafavour | Instagram
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Lyrics: I Lift My Hands By Ore Oluwa
Majestic King of glory
Son of God and man,
The great I am, lover of my soul- you are Lord
The one who reigns from victory, age to age the same
I bow to you, I lift my voice and sing
I lift my hands, to worship you
You’re the one who was and is and is to come Lord
I lift my hands to worship you
Because you are the Holy God
Verse 2:
Redeemer and restorer
Nothing you cannot do
You heal the sick, raised the dead in victory
The one who reigns from glory,
Age to age the same
I bow to you and lift my voice and sing
I lift my hands, to worship you
You’re the one who was and is and is to come Lord
I lift my hands to worship you
Because you are the Holy God