Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional 26 April 2022
TOPIC: They Saw And Believed
TEXT: John 20:1-10 (NKJV)
Daily Fountain Devotional 26 April 2022 MESSAGE
From our text, it is quite unfortunate that the disciples of Jesus were not quick to grasp the whole picture of what Jesus was relating to them. They had been with Jesus but their understanding of the mission and purpose of His ministry was shallow. They were not expecting the resurrection, hence, the reaction of first, Mary Magdalene and thereafter, Peter and John; until John saw evidence and believed that He had risen.
The resurrection reality is the anchor of our faith and the hope of the salvation of the whole world. If Jesus had just stopped at the point of dying with our sins without rising again to newness of life, then the Christian faith would have had little or no meaning. But the resounding truth is that He died with our sins and rose together with us unto a victorious life. Alleluia!
PRAYER: Thank you Lord Jesus for dying and rising again for the remission of my sins and for my justification. Help me to always live in the knowledge of this. Amen.
Daily Fountain Quote of the Day: God says: Even when you are weak in your faith, I will remain faithful to you. 2 Timothy 2:13