DCLM Daily Manna Saturday, April 17, 2022

TOPIC:  Incontrovertible Facts

TEXT: 1 Corinthians15:1-9

“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.” – (1 Corinthians 15:3,4)

DCLM Daily Manna Saturday, April 17, 2022 OUTLINE

The fact about Christ’s resurrection is a crucial message in the Scripture. Men of immense moral stature and integrity did not mince words in declaring this truth. Paul the apostle, from the moment he had an unforgettable encounter with Christ to the end of his ministry, never ceased to display the same fidelity and strength of purpose in declaring what he experienced and received about His resurrection.

Interestingly, Christ’s resurrection is a verifiable truth. It was foretold in the Psalms, presented in prophecy, announced by Christ and proclaimed by the Apostles. Moreover, the empty tomb, angelic testimony, the report of His enemies coupled with the apostolic preaching is a fact that cannot be faulted.

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Other infallible truths about His resurrection can be traced by His appearances as recorded in the Scriptures to Mary Magdalene, two disciples on their way to Emmaus, Simon Peter, His eleven disciples, above 500 brethren, James, all the apostles and last of all, to Paul. All these are to give credence to the truth of the gospel, which we preach.

The Scripture cannot be broken. From generation to generation, the word of God stands sure. There is no room for updating, modernisation, debating or revising. It fits in in every generation. We are to hear it, receive it, believe it, practice it, declare it, claim its promises, contend against error and stand by it to reap the full benefits of its immense treasure. Those who live like Christ and are occupied with His mandate will undoubtedly be raised on the day of resurrection of the saints to life eternal.

Christ’s resurrection is not a fallacy.

Psalm 92-100